Sunday, June 2, 2019

Scotch Thistle


Scotch Thistle is now invading overgrazed areas on the ranch (as around water tanks and perennial feed grounds) that have been long invaded by cheat grass.  This thistle can grow to 6 feet or more tall and 4 foot in circumference, which interferes with cattle movement because of its sharp spines.  Each plant can produce 40,000 seeds that can remain alive in the soil for up to 20 years.  It needs to have an herbicide applied when in the rosette stage as Blake is doing here.  Once the stalk shoots up it is too late.  We are spraying the affected areas twice in the spring and once in the fall with herbicide.  It is hard to believe that this ugly plant was brought to the U.S. from Eurasia as an ornamental in the 1800s.

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