Friday, November 13, 2015

water thief

Downy brome commonly called cheatgrass is a weed that came from northern Europe in the 1880's as ship ballast and with grain seeds has taken over or at least infected millions of range acres in America.  I remember 60 years ago when cheatgrass was only in overgrazed areas on feed grounds, but it has invaded throughout our native pastures as well as retired farm ground.  University extension has placed a demonstration  plot for herbicide treatment near the ranch driveway.  Blake installed a fence around the plot to keep cattle from interfering with the demo.  Look close and view the flags marking the strips where chemical was applied.  Unfortunately it is so widespread that it will be impossible to eradicate and expensive to control.  The weed grows early and dries down early taking out much water so the native grasses can't successfully grow.

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