Friday, August 21, 2015

Bud Box loadout

Today was marketing time for our yearling steers, they were trucked to the market yesterday so they probably had about 50 lbs shrink on the market scale but still averaged 983 lbs.  They pastured 2 miles, 2 county roads and a neighbor's pasture away from the home corrals, so we built a new corral at that location with a "Bud Box" named after the guy that described the best dimensions for a facility to gently move cattle from a corral into an alleyway for load out or processing.  My judgment was the facility worked fair to good as I only got kicked once.  2 trucks were able to take the 104 head to market and we received a very good price even though the market has slide about $12 per hundredweight in the last 6 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. you forgot to mention the photographer was perched on the old pump house roof and did a great job of taking pictures
