Sunday, August 27, 2017

corn crop

Sharyn is also a shareholder in Rogowski Family Farms LLC.  This farm has traditionally been a total wheat farm.  A few years ago millet was added for a crop rotation.  This year for the first time in many years corn was planted in the rotation.  There was adequate moisture this year to produce what appears to be a successful yield for a dry land crop in our arid environment.  Fortunately there is a share cropper doing the farming so Sharyn will not have to pick the corn.

Eclipse brings visitors

Agate Fossil Beds National Park is 20 miles west of Wohlers Ranch along the Niobrara River.  It is a museum with many dinosaur fossils recovered from the hills near by and many native American Artifacts that were given to the original European owner of this land.  The park ordinarily has only 14,000 visitors per year because of it's remote location.  Being near the center of the path of the eclipse on 8/21/2017 the park had 11,000 visitors.  River Road had never accommodated that many cars before.  

Solar Eclipse

August 21, 2017 brought us the rare event of a solar eclipse tracking within a 70 mile wide pass of totality across the United States, the closer you were located to the center of the path the longer the sun was completely behind the moon as viewed from the earth.  Wohlers Ranch was about 12 miles from the center and therefore the sun was hidden for over 2 minutes.  Needing to check on the ranch, because of the many visitors to our area, but not wanting to view this spectacle alone Sharyn, Blake and Arden went up the River Road to Agate Fossil Beds to be with other people for the viewing.