Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cats to the rescue

The ranch buildings have been overran with mice the last few years as we have not had cats.  So we recently added a mouse extermination crew, 5 cats.  These 2 were obtained from Panhandle Humane Society and will be shut in the horse barn for a couple of weeks or until they realize it is their home.  They are very tame and happy to see us when we enter the barn.  The other 3 were captured at an abandoned farmstead and are quite wild.  They are shut in the machine shed where we have cattle feed stored with a lot of mice.  These cats may never be tamed so hopefully they will accept this as their home.  The cats were free to the ranch as I performed ovariohysterectomies on 3 and orchiectomies on 2.  Mitchell Valley Veterinary Clinic allowed me use of the surgery room to do this.