Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Blondie & Blackie

The ponies (Blondie & Blackie) are progressing in their training, They lead well and accept pressure on their back.  We trimmed their hooves and they cooperated with working with their legs and hooves.  They have the pony mischievousness where they will slip out an open gate if given an opportunity and then tease you with evasiveness when you attempt to  corral them.  They make quite a team, maybe I need to make harnesses for them and a wagon to pull.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Niobrara floods

I have blogged many times regarding the drought and the river going dry for several months during the summer, WE ARE STILL IN A DROUGHT, but there has been a good amount of snow the past couple of weeks and now we have had several days of warmer weather resulting in run off.  However the ground is still frozen and the water can't soak into the soil so in drains down hill into the river which still has ice over it so the water cuts across the meadow from one river bend to the next.  This should subside within a day or 2 and we will be able to cross the river to feed the cattle.
Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of the drought.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

lambs at last

The sheep enterprise (actually it is the train the dog enterprise) is starting to bear fruit so to speak.  When we arrived at the ranch this morning we discovered that ewe #354 had delivered triplets, a baby ewe and 2 baby rams.  Now we will need to determine if she produces enough milk to support 3 lambs or if we will need to make 1 of them a bum lamb and bottle feed it, which increases the farm chores but can be fun to do.  I guess we will call them thing 1, thing 2 and thing 3.