Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Small horses for small kids

The grand kids need ponies to play with on their next visit to the ranch.  Therefore 2 pony mares were purchased.  Blake and Arden can spend their spare time training them.  The grand kids may have to train them for riding as they are fairly small.  One mare is chestnut with a white mane and tail, the other is black with many white hairs.  They are both coming 2 in the spring.  We may need help from the grand kids in naming them.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New guard

Adding the sheep enterprise to the Wohlers Ranch is not without predator risk.  We have lost baby calves and maybe older calves to coyotes over the past few years, but sheep, especially lambs are even more susceptible to becoming coyote dinner.  Therefore we purchased a guard llama as a herd protector.  Llamas are known for bonding with sheep and actually chasing, even killing coyotes that try to get an easy meal.  This llama is a 2 year old male that we will halter break as Blake has that experience from his days of exhibiting llamas at the fair.  We are looking for suggestions as to what his name should be--please help.