Sunday, September 15, 2013

dry river

The Niobrara went dry the last half of June then there were numerous showers and it flowed again through July and most of August, however it once again has been dry for 3 weeks.  Water stayed behind some large beaver dams until this past week but they are dry now.  This turtle and more of his buddies are setting on the river floor trying to decide if they need to burrow down for a month or so.  There may have been some fish left high and dry, but I saw too many raccoon tracts to think any fish have not been ate.  There was ready access to the holes leading into the beaver dens in the banks.  I did not investigate for fear of my life.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

bow hunting

Blake's friends, Austin and DJ, asked if they could bow hunt pronghorn on the ranch.  We sent them to the south pasture to walk the ridge.  One hour later they returned after Austin bagged his first pronghorn.  He made the shot at 75 yards.  (I'm sure this buck thought he was quite safe at that distance)  There is a larger buck that also calls the south pasture home.  I am betting that these hunters will be back.