Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter has arrived

Blake and Arden removing ice from a water tank so cows can drink on 12-30-10.  Cows need nearly a gallon of water for each of their 100 pounds of weight in the winter.  During the summer when producing milk for their calf this need can double.  On 12-31-10 the ranch had 8" of snow, 30 mph wind and it was 0 degrees.  We fed cows then drove home with about 50 feet visibility--fortunately no traffic.  Brrrr.  We stayed at ranch the past two nights, but came to town for celebrations.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blake fed the cows 12-21-10

This group of cows have just been moved to a fresh pasture with lots of grass.  This winter time dormant grass has enough energy, however it is short of the cow's protein needs.  Blake has fed a protein supplement that is also fortified with vitamins and minerals.  This first day of winter was warm (35 degrees) so there was very little ice to remove from the tanks as the night time low was only a few degrees colder as well.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Welcome to the Wohlers Ranch on the Running Water

The Wohlers Ranch on the Running Water (Niobrara River) near present day Marsland, NE was established in 1874 by an ancestor (John S. Hughes).  It is a 5800 acre ranch raising cattle on native range and river meadows in a natural setting.

Origionally a stage station on the Sidney-Deadwood Trail in the gold rush days of the 1870s the ranch has seen many changes as it turned from it's horse ranch beginnings to the beef production and wildlife preservation  focus of today.